Saturday, September 27, 2008

Thank you Lisa...

My friend Lisa Ludwig told me about this video from the movie Step Brothers. It did not disappoint. Enjoy!!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Meredith can suck it...

For those of you who watch Grey's Anatomy I am sure you feel the same way I do. That icicle should have impaled Meredith. She needs to just SHUT UPPPPPP!

That is all.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Care to guess??

Check out the link to the right (for ExpectNet) and guess away!

You have 5 months, so no rush.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

HEY! I know that woman!

I am on the Pantene Website for my hairy donation.

Go to this site and do a search (in the lower right hand corner) for 'Michele' and I am 20 pictures in.

Good times.

**See post below for some photos!!**

Monday, September 15, 2008

Today is the day...

I figure if I blog about what is about to happen I cannot chicken out. 8 inches of my hair is being donated today to Pantene's Beautiful Lengths Campaign. If you have super long hair and are looking to cut it please check out their website here.

I have been growing my hair for 2 years now. It started when Doug asked me to keep it long for Beyond the Rainbow (if I were to be cast, which I was) and it just kept going from there.

The weird thing is, I am really not fond of my hair this long. It is annoying and I am just always putting it up into a ponytail because there is nothing else to do with it. However, that doesn't make it any less hard to part with. What does make it easier is the fact that this Pantene Campaign is a wonderful cause. For those of you who are not familiar, it is for women stricken with cancer and who will possibly lose their hair due to the chemo.

I found out on the website that it takes 6 ponytails to make one wig so I encourage all you long haired beauties to get out there and cry your way through a hair cut. I am sure I will.


Before the cut:

Measuring the Hair:

Angel is enjoying cutting that sucker off:

My 9 inches of hair:

Proud Donation:

Monday, September 08, 2008

Best Post Secret ever, and yeah... true. :)

Sunday, September 07, 2008

The ultimate in "Pregnancy Brain"

I know that my pregnancy has all I have been blogging about lately and for the 4 of you that read my blog, I apologize but this story HAS to be told.

While Todd was enjoying the Bills game and sorting through the mail, he asked me why I opened Lisa's Chase Credit Card statement. I have 2 Chase Credit Cards so I must have assumed it was mine and opened it. I remember looking at my online banking and seeing that the last payment made per the statement was not listed on my account and that the account number didn't match ANYTHING I had on either of my Chase Credit Cards. That didn't stop me. My brain reasoned that the account number may have changed and I just never noticed and the payment must not have posted yet. Not sure how the Credit Company would have posted my payments with a different account number, but it didn't even cross my jumbled brain at the time. As I am trying to figure out how I didn't see that my name had changed to Lisa while I opened it, it dawned on me.

I paid the bill.

I opened my neighbors mail and scheduled a payment online to have it paid. Seriously??

I would love to have my brain back at some point. I bet the Garvey's love my pregnancy brain. If I were them I would be throwing their bills in my mailbox from now on.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

And it is settled...

I have already been looking at cute little outfits for this baby to wear, and Gap Baby seems to be my favorite location thus far. Todd and I were discussing how Baby Benzin will be 7 months old when Halloween rolls around which is PERFECT for Mommy and Daddy to steal candy from the baby. We were throwing around Star Wars Characters HE could dress up as, or Disney Princesses SHE could dress up as but today, I saw it. THE COSTUME of all CUTE costumes. Of course it is Disney Themed, but it just melted my heart. Hopefully, Todd will go for it. Enjoy.