Friday, April 27, 2007

We welcome you to Munchkinland!

Height'ism n. - a prejudiced attitude about human height that often results in discrimination. It is based on the belief that short statured people are inferior and undesirable.

A bunch of fellow pocket people got together and created a website! I am happy to say, that I would be allowed to join this group if I really wanted to. Check this out:

The National Organization of Short Statured Adults or NOSSA is a non-profit organization of men 5 foot 7 inches and below and women 5 foot 2 inches and below in height. NOSSA is a united organization of short men and women from around the globe, promoting the message of self-empowerment for all of its members, providing a supportive environment in which to share experiences, and committed to opposing heightism in society.

The organization disseminates knowledge pertaining to the sociological, psychological, legal, medical, and physiological aspects of short stature as it becomes known.

We encourage research by responsible professionals concerning the above aspects of short stature.

NOSSA promotes the acceptance of people of short stature in society.

Serves as a forum in which important problems affecting short statured adults can be openly discussed in a climate unbiased by imposed aesthetic standards and in which solutions to these problems can be discovered and acted upon.

Assists children and young adults who are affected by heightism.

Works toward demanding equal opportunity for short statured adults wherever obstacles and discrimination exist.

SO THERE TALL PEOPLE! Stop putting the wine glasses on the 4th shelf up and asking us little people to go get it for you, and then laugh with your other tall friends while we are struggling to crawl on the counter in order to get your stupid wine glass. I will call NOSSA and we will come over there and punch you in the knees.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

You Tube FREAK!

Ok, I have not posted anything other than video's lately, and I know that must get really boring. HOWEVER, you all need to see this one. Will Ferrell has a website called Funny or Die, and one video in particular really made me laugh. My very close friend Annie came over today and introduced me to 3 VERY funny video's which I will post shortly. I think it is pretty imperative that this one is seen immediately. I do not condone teaching a small child to swear, but it sure is funny to watch it happen.

Just go to the link above and watch The Landlord.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Can I touch your balls?

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Is this rice?

Monday, April 02, 2007

Saying goodbye to another show...

There have been a few shows that have been extremely hard to close. Tick, Tick...Boom! was no exception. I thought I was fine until I had to break up with Lou. Then, the water works started and didn't quite stop until after curtain call.

It was an amazing experience, and I will keep it in my heart for a long time.