Friday, March 27, 2009

BufBloPoFo Day 13

BufBloPoFo Topic for Day 13 - Link to whatever you posted exactly one year ago (or whatever’s closest), and give your readers an update on that topic. If you haven’t been writing for a year, give us a list of three or four things that are going on in your life right now that you’ll want to update one year from now.

I decided to post a video that I put up 2 years ago which was in regard to our future children (I WAS RIGHT!!) as well as a post from last year.

My baby farts like an 80 year old man filled with prune juice and refried beans. I love it. The first day we brought him home I was feeding him and he started farting and Todd and I were laughing hysterically. The laughter stopped rather quickly when I realized he had pooped so much that it came out of his diaper and all over his new pj's and my arm. Ahhh, kids.

As for Bikram Yoga?? That was the first and last time I did Bikram. I can't stand the heat but I love the idea. I am thinking about taking up Yoga since I did it for a few months during pregnancy and really liked it. We shall see. Vincent rules my life right now and as Lisa Vitrano told me on Facebook, "You are merely the milkmaid to the Prince." Ain't that the truth.


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