Wednesday, October 29, 2008

So gross...

Diastasis Recti 101

I was told to get into the Doctor's office today ASAP because it felt like I was having a very normal Braxton Hicks contraction for the past couple of days. Braxton Hicks can begin at 6 weeks and last your entire pregnancy. I wasn't in any kind of pain, it just felt like cement on my stomach hardened immediately when I stood up. Again, no pain at all it just felt really weird.

My OB asked where the source of the "discomfort" was and I showed him my upper belly from couple of inches below my boobs and one inch below my belly button. He lit up and said he knew what was going on. Then I got a life lesson on one of the most disgusting things I have ever heard or seen before.

Diastasis Recti or separated muscles.

Separation of the stomach muscles is very common during pregnancy, particularly during the later trimesters. During pregnancy, many women experience a separation of their stomach muscles. Known as diastasis recti, this condition occurs when the main abdominal muscles begin to pull apart. The left and right sides of this muscle separate, leaving a gap in between.

It appears that due to my Diastasis Recti, my Colon comes through the gap in my abdominal muscles (shudder) when I am extremely gassy (which is all the time) and stand up, hence the "discomfort" I have been feeling the past couple of days.

To show me how this works, my OB had me lay flat and slowly sit up as if I were doing a crunch. My friends, what appears to be the top of a roof began to appear in my abs that almost formed a perfect triangle. It was so gross. Of course, I made Todd look at it and he had the same reaction I had.

Eventually the muscles will go back to where they are supposed to after the baby is born, THANK THE LORD

Well, I must say that Baby Benzin is worth all the "ewwwwws" and shudders. I can't wait to hold our little dancer. He or she is already bringing the house down.


Blogger M. said...

Oh, sweetie. That sucks. I'm sorry :(

Sunday, November 02, 2008 8:05:00 PM  

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