Monday, October 13, 2008

Catch Phrase makes people funny...

A bunch of us played a few rounds of Catch Phrase yesterday and I laughed so hard I was pretty sure I was going into labor. Basically, it is an electronic "hot potato" game. You have a word or phrase that you have to get your team to say without saying any words in the actual answer AND you need to get it done before the buzzer goes off. Hilarity ensues:

Me: Little Italian guy in Goodfella's. (I said Goodfellow's, but the buzzer was about to go off, give me a break.)
Susan: Joe Pesci.
Me: Last name?
Susan: Pesci.
Me: Not a fog but a watery light...
Chris: Mist.
Me: Put it together.
Doug: Pesci-mist??
Kristy: Pessimist?
Doug: Pessimistic?
Dave: When you are addicted to something you are an?
Marc: Addict.
Dave: Right.
Marc: (thinking he just said the word) DAVE!!
Dave: No, no. When you are addicted to brown stuff.
Marc: Chocoholic?
Dave: YES!
Brown stuff?? Oh my goodness. I just about lost my mind.

Me: Jesus's Father?
Susan: God.
Me: Not whole but...
Doug: Half.
Me: Marc thought he had this infection?
Doug: MRSA.
Me: Put it together!
All: God half MRSA?
Kristy: God Have Mercy!

Almost peed.


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