Friday, October 17, 2008

One day I will find all of this HILARIOUS!

People say some really stupid crap to you when you are pregnant and these individuals think saying these things are ok. For example, these are just a taste of what I have gotten:

"You're huge!!"
"I wasn't that big when I was 3 months pregnant. I wasn't even that big when I was 7 months pregnant!"
"Your belly is enormous!"

THESE THINGS ARE NOT OK TO SAY. I don't go up to overweight people and say, "Wow you're really fat" and I certainly don't go up to older people and say, "You're really old and wrinkly!" So why do these individuals think it is ok to tell a pregnant woman how huge she is?? Todd's theory is that they know it is all baby and assume you will take their comments as such. NO. We don't. We hear what you are saying and find it insulting.

Don't get me wrong, I am extremely happy to be growing. It means my baby is doing well and thriving. I have no control over my body and the changes that are happening. I am quite aware, believe it or not, at how my quickly my belly is growing. You don't have to tell me. Next time anyone says it I am going to state an obvious fact about them and see how nice it sounds.

Time and Setting: This evening at our favorite Korean restaurant. Who: Nicest hostess in the world.
This was our conversation:

Her: "Wow, almost time huh?"
Me: "No, 4 more months."
Puzzled, horrified look comes over her face.
Her: "WOW! You look big, don't eat so much!!"


People, this is not ok. Have a little couth and think before you speak.

I will post a 20 week picture tomorrow. The nicest Korean woman in the world thinks I look like this:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Kristen: Wow that is incredible, why can't people just say you look great, cute, happy, whatever something nice.

Sunday, October 19, 2008 7:04:00 PM  

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