Sunday, June 11, 2006

Almost to the top of the hill...

So this is it. I am on the fast track to 30 and I am actually dealing with it pretty well. I am happy, and healthy and I have a couple of great weeks ahead of me. I am sensing though that my body is sending me reminders and most of it is NOT pleasant. For example...
I threw my back out during Urinetown and had to perform Little Sally like an old 10 year old child. I was hunched over and in a shit load of pain BUT I am healed and ALL better. Then the headaches started. I used to get migraines as a teenager but they only come once in a great while these days. Nope, not anymore. The 30 alarm goes off and I remember that I am almost a petrified turd. Now it is this biting my tongue when I sleep. I bite it so hard I can't talk the next day. I sound (to myself) like I have a really bad speech impediment. Then it is sore for days afterwards and I just keep biting it. Ugh. Look, even if they have to wheel me into Disney on a GURNEY I am getting on all of those rides. Bring it on 30... bring it on.


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