Sunday, November 23, 2008

My husband is gorgeous and BRILLIANT!

I went to see Triangles at Road Less Traveled yesterday and the show is BRILLIANT! I am going to see it again because two of Buffalo's most amazing actresses, Lisa Vitrano and Kristen Tripp-Kelley switch roles every night.

The show is spectacular. Seriously, go see it.

Kelly Meg and Bonnie are so incredible and Todd is just perfect.

I spent the entire show watching him and I couldn't help but feel so proud and excited. Hearing people react to him and clap, laugh and just be as excited as I was just made me beam. I was so thrilled that I wanted to tell everyone that the amazing man in the show was my husband and was going to be the Father of my child.

He beat me to it.

My loving and beautiful husband let everyone know in his Playbill Bio which reads, " in the early stages of planning a new full scale production with his wife, actress Michele Roberts."

Sigh. He makes my heart melt.


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