Monday, March 19, 2007

Theatre Etiquette 101

Sunday Matinee's are not always the best shows. The audience is usually older, cranky and hate everything they see. Our Sunday show was NO exception.

It started when Lou opened the show, and three women in the front row started their conversation about... nothing. I couldn't make out anything that they were saying, until one of them said "It's behind me!" Finally, a good theatre theatre-goer shushed them and the show went on. Later in the show I come out as a character called Rosa Stevens who is pretty obnoxious, but still pretty funny. I have these enormous glasses on, and I am Jewtalian. Don't ask. I come out on stage and pretty much SING "Jonathan, it's ROOOOOSSSAAAAAA!!!" From the front row you hear, "JESUS CHRIST!" Ok, first I am pissed. I'm sorry you old piece of shit, did I WAKE YOU? I couldn't believe that had just happened. Then the band started laughing so I giggled and moved on, and all was well... until the office scene. She said it again.... TWICE. I was done. I NEVER broke, but I sure as hell was fighting it back.

Needless to say, the 3 witches of Eastwick were standing at the end of the show, but not for an ovation. They were putting on their coats.

So, the moral of the story is... you are not at a movie. Believe it or not, we can hear you. Whenever you open your candies, it sounds like you are wrestling with a ball of cellophane. Seriously, the slower you try to open it the LOUDER it is. Also, when you talk, it is distracting. I know, it is a hard concept to grasp but sometimes it is hard to think about the lines we memorized, the songs we learned and the blocking and choreography when you are talking about bullshit that NOONE cares about. So do us all a favor, put away your candy and SHUT THE FUCK UP.




Anonymous Anonymous said...

that was my mom...
and she was just looking for her blood pressure medication...
don't you feel AWFUL now?!

Monday, March 19, 2007 8:40:00 PM  

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