Thursday, September 27, 2007


Suspect in holdups, sex attacks sought
Police cite similarities in incidents reported by half-dozen women


Buffalo police believe the same man may be responsible for as many as a half-dozen robberies and sexual attacks on women in the city dating back to last Thursday.

Detectives Wednesday night were piecing together what they believe were significant similarities in the attacks, which frequently have occurred around midnight.

The assailant is a black male in his 20s, about 5 feet 9 inches tall. He has short hair and often has been reported wearing a green or gray hooded sweat shirt that is usually left open. In a couple of the attacks, he appeared to be jogging. He arms himself with a box cutter.

“Women should be aware of this,” said Dennis J. Richards, chief of detectives. “Women should be careful and are encouraged not to travel alone.”

The first attack occurred just after midnight Thursday on Potomac Avenue near Chapin Parkway. A woman was forced to perform oral sex on the suspect.

Then, less than an hour later, another woman was attacked at Potomac and Brantford Place. The attacker jogged up behind her, displayed a box cutter or knife and said, “Give me all your money.” When the victim said she didn’t have any, the suspect said, “I am just playing with you” and grabbed her breasts and buttocks.

The next night, just after midnight, another woman was attacked as she left a gas station at Elmwood Avenue and Hodge Street. She was robbed of $300. The suspect asked for oral sex but fled when the woman refused.

Within a half-hour, a 30- year-old woman reported she was accosted by a man at East Delavan Avenue and Spillman Place near the Canisius College Health Science Building. He demanded she follow him to a parking lot where he pulled down his pants and demanded oral sex. She refused and he grabbed her breast and took $15 from her.

Just before midnight Sunday, a fifth woman reported being attacked in the 100 block of Richmond Avenue. The suspect ran ahead of her and then grabbed her, displaying a knife. He took her purse and wallet and then pulled his zipper down and demanded sex. The woman screamed and was punched in the side of the head by the suspect before he fled.

The sixth attack, which police were still trying to link to the other attacks, occurred at 8:15 p.m. Tuesday in the 100 block of Atlantic Avenue. There, the suspect peppersprayed a 30-year-old woman and ripped her purse off her shoulder. No knife was displayed and the suspect did not demand sex, police said.

“There are enough specific things done and said to believe . . . they are related and could be the same perpetrator,” Richards said.

The Sex Offense Section and detectives are investigating.

Anyone with information is encouraged to contact detectives at 851-4494.


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