Saturday, December 30, 2006

Terrie goes BOOM!

I have never witnessed anything like it. Terrie has a dance piece in Familiar Strangers in which she dances with her eyes closed. In her mind she was skittering stage left, when in reality she was skittering towards the edge of the stage. She went right over the lights and somehow landed on her feet.

She immediately shouts, "I'm ok!" We are all standing there looking anxious because the fall was really harsh. To just fall off the stage is one thing, but to fall onto lights, and THEN off the stage? Yeah. Not good.

She gets on the stage and she keeps saying to everyone who is hyperventilating around her, I'm ok! I'm ok, I swear! No. She wasn't. She lifted her foot to show everyone she was fine and the blood was a-pourin'. She had sliced a nice gash on the bottom of her right foot across her callous, and never felt it because of how calloused her foot was.

We all jumped into action getting peroxide, gauze, bandaids... We are a well oiled machine!! Dr. Katie was there to bandage her all up, thank goodness.

I couldn't decide what was funnier. Watching people come up to see if she was ok, then recoiling at all of the blood (which was SUCH a pretty color against the black marley) or while we were bandaging Terrie and trying to stop the bleeding, Terrie never stopped saying, I'm ok! I'm ok!

The best news of all? It was all caught on tape.


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